The children yearn for the old web...
Hello chatroom I am Livy. I regret to inform you that society has yet to find a way to purge all things resembling “blogs” from the internet. This means I will be posting whatever longer-form thoughts I have on here.
There will also be some other stuff, namely link aggregation for cool stuff I find, messing around with whatever webdev stuff I’m interested in at any given moment, the stuff you’d expect from a girl who describes herself like that running a website that looks like this.
Oh and a few ground rules before I go:
- We push directly to production here, no pussy shit. Will probably break the site regularly.
- See the licence disclaimer if you’re a nerd.
- The proper URL for this site will eveeentually be I’m hosting through neocities which requires u to pay for the right to use a fully custom domain u own and, like, $5 a month is a tad expensive right now chat
Oh and here’s some credits. I should probably make a dedicated footer or page or something for this soon. we’ll see. it’s 5am.
- This website uses the SLSO8 pallet created by Luis Miguel Maldonado and the Early Gameboy font by Jimmy Campbell
Uhh yeah that’s it for now I guess? bye bye!